Sunday, March 7, 2010

How to Remove Follow and Unfollow Scammers

With twitter becoming very popular these days and over 1 billion accounts have been opened and new sccount continuesly open each day, there is an increasing problems for twitterers who try to follow the rule and term of twitter's policy. Unfornately, it also attracts many scammers who try to benefit by working on the edge of the rules.
I believe that we all find some difficulties to remove twitterers who try to take advantage of our generosity by re follow back anyone who follows us. Here are some tips may help. Remember there is less than 0.1% of these people who try to make their twitter page look good in our expenses
1. Write the twitter name of the user who follow you
2. Make them in alphabet order by numbering each user
3. Then, go to the web and select tweet karma. The program is free, just type your user name ,pass word and click "whack". Unfornately the bulk unfollowed button has been removed because of violation of twitter rule and term policy and select following in alphabet order.
4. Take a few minutes to check all those names which you have been collected. If you find them, block them once for all
5. Make sure you recheck them often. Most scammers have an imbalance of following and follwers with a large followered base then usually, unless he/she is a well known or infamous person.
If you join any free twitter related program, you may find some posts in your posting page. Make sure you aware of that. If you think, you want to deactivate any program which you have joined, just change you pass word.
For how tomake $$$ on twitter

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